Archive | January, 2012

Jadwal ATLS 2012 (Jadwal Tentative)

25 Jan

Jadwal ATLS Indonesia 2012

(Jadwal Tentative)

Januari  2012

* 6 – 8 Januari : RS Dr. Soetomo (Surabaya);  RS Dr.Kariadi (Semarang)

* 13 – 15 Januari : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta)

* 20 – 22 Januari : RS Dr. Kanujoso S (Balikpapan)

* 27 – 29 Januari : RS Hasan Sadikin (Bandung); RS Dr.Wahidin (Makasar)

Februari  2012

* 3 – 5 Februari : RS Putri Hijau; RS Dr. Sardjito (Yogyakarta)

* 10 – 12 Februari : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta); Manado

* 17 – 19 Februari :RS Dr. Sanglah (Denpasar); RSUD Arifin Achmad (Pekanbaru)

* 24 – 26 Februari : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta)

Maret  2012

* 2 – 4 Maret : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta); RS Dr. Wahidin S (Makassar)

* 9 – 11 Maret : RS. Dr. Moch Hoesin (Palembang); RS Dr Moewardi (Solo)

* 16 – 18 Maret : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta)

* 22 – 24 Maret : 2nd Scientific Meeting of Indonesian ATLS Community

* 30 Maret – 1 April : RS Dr. Seotomo (Surabaya); RSUD Achmad Muchtar (Bukittinggi)

April  2012

* 6 – 8 April : RS Dr. Sardjito (Yogyakarta); RS Ulin (Banjarmasin)

* 13 – 15 April : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta); RS Dr Wahab Sjahranie (Banjarmasin)

* 20 – 22 April : RS Depati Hamsah (Bangka); RS. Dr. Saiful Anwar (Malang)

* 27 – 30 April : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta)

Mei  2012

* 4 – 6 Mei : Kupang (Kupang); RS Dr. Moch Hoesin (Palembang)

* 11 – 13 Mei  : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta)

* 18 – 20 Mei  : RS Dr. Soetomo (Surabaya), RSUD Achmad Arifin (Pekanbaru)

* 25 – 27 Mei : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta)

Juni  2012

* 1 – 3 Juni : RS Dr H Adam Malik (Medan); RS Dr. Moewardi (Solo)

* 8 – 10 Juni : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta)

* 15 – 17 Juni : RS Dr. Abdul Moeloek (Bandar Lampung); RS Dr. Kariadi (Semarang)

* 22 – 24 Juni : RS Dr. Hasan Sadikin (Bandung)

*29 Juni – 1 Juli : RSAL Dr Ramelan (Surabaya);  RS RD Mattaher ( Jambi)

Juli  2012

* 6 – 8 Juli : RS Sanglah (Denpasar); RS Ulin (Banjarmasin)

* 13 – 15 Juli : MABI di Jakarta

September  2012

* 7 – 9 September  : RS Dr Hasan Sadikin (Bandung)

* 14 – 16 September  : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta)

* 21 – 23 September  : RS Dr. Soetomo (Surabaya); RS Dr. Kariadi (Semarang)

* 28 – 30 September  : RS Dr. Zainoel Abidin (Banda Aceh)

Oktober  2012

* 5 – 7 Oktober  : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta); Manado

* 12 – 14 Oktober  : RS Dr. Sardjito (Yogyakarta); RS Dr. Soetomo (Surabaya)

* 19 – 21 Oktober  : RS Dr. Sanglah (Denpasar); RS Dr. Soedarso (Pontianak)

November  2012

* 2 – 4 November  :  Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta)

* 9 – 11 November  : RS Dr. Saiful Anwar (Malang); RS Dr. Moch Husein (Palembang)

* 23 – 25 November : RS Dr. Moewardi (Solo); RS Dr. Wahidin (Makassar)

* 30 Nov – 2 Des : RS Dr. Soetomo (Surabaya), RSUD Arifin Achmad (Pekanbaru)

Desember  2012

* 7 – 9 Desember  : Pusdiklat ATLS (Jakarta)

* 14 – 16  Desember  : RS Dr. Hasan Sadikin (Bandung)

Keterangan : Jadwal ATLS dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu. Menurut sekre ATLS pusat, di seluruh P.Jawa sudah full booked sampai 2013. Kalau mau coba paling waiting list. Kalau di Jakarta sendiri sudah full booked sampai bulan november..untuk di Pulau lain coba dicek ke sekre tiap kota. Khusus di Jakarta dibuka 2 kelas tiap pelatihannya.

Syarat Peserta :

1. Lulus dokter (melampirkan 1 lembar fotokopi ijazah)

2. Foto ukuran 3×4 1 lembar (Bw atau warna)

3. Membayar biaya kursus Rp.4.500.000 (minimal uang muka Rp.2.000.000)

4. Pengisian form pendaftaran peserta

(Paling lambat 2 minggu sebelum acara)

Khusus di Jakarta

Pembayaran dapat dibayarkan ke rekening :

a.n Dr.Heri Aminuddin QQ ATLS No.Rek 0667 021 968, Bank Syariah Mandiri Cab.Jatinegara

a.n Komisi Trauma No.Rek 122-0095000108, Bank Mandiri Capem RSCM

Bukti transfer di fax ke no. 021 85918123

Clinical Updates 2012

8 Jan

FK UGM turut mengundang sejawat sekalian untuk menghadiri:

Fakultas Kedokteran UGM
“Brings You Today’s Current Health Issues”


14-15 Jan 2012
Auditorium FK UGM

Koas/mhsw UGM 360rb
Koas/mhsw luar UGM 380rb
Dr.umum 430rb
Dr.spesialis 480rb

Pendaftaran/Info lebih lanjut,klik di

CP : dr. Rahmah Latifah
Pin bb : 26193C90
Email :


8 Jan

“If you ask me, there’s a moment everybody’s life when you’re helpless,
just helpless with hope and trust.
And then something happens, something too big to understand,
and then everything changes forever.
If you ask me, start out with good news so pure and clear
and you don’t even know it’s there,
because that’s the way it is when you don’t know anything.
And then, moments begin to arrive.”


Love Letter

8 Jan

Dear Emma,

Those two words “Dear Emma,” take me away to another time,
when we used to write to each other after Mom dan Dad died.
I used to tell you about my new friends and my new life.
And you used to tell me about the grand time my mom and dad were having in heaven.
Truth is nothing.
What you believe to be true is everything.
And the main thing that I used to believe
was that I would be with you forever. Forever.
The reason it has taken me so long to write to you
is that I see that I have been a fool.
I’ve spent my life fooling myself.
Every letter I’ve ever written to you has been a love letter.
How could the have been anything else?
I can see now that all of them, except this one, were bad love letters.
Bad love letters beg for love back.
Good love letters ask for nothing.
This, I’m pleased to announce, is my forst good love letter to you,
because there is nothing more for you to do.
You’ve already done everything.
I have enough of you in my head to last forever.
So please don’t ever worry about me.
I’m peachy. I really am.
I have everything.

If I had one wish, it would be that your life
brings you a taste of the happiness you have brought to me,
that you can feel what it’s like to love.

Your friend forever,



First love (A crazy little thing called love)

8 Jan

Don’t know how long is it
That I have to resist everything
Hide all of the truth in my heart

Every time we meet
Every time you turn to me
That I pretend to be still
Do you know how much I have to force myself

Can you hear that
My heart is telling you I love you
But I can not reveal my true feeling to anyone
Can you hear that
My heart is waiting there for you to open
Can only hope you will know it
Some day

Though I love you
Though I feel it
But deep inside isn’t brave enough

Can you hear that
My heart is telling I love you
But I can not reveal my true feeling to anyone
Can you hear that
My heart is still waiting there for you to open
Can only hope you will know it
That I’m the one here to love you
I’m begging you please know it
Some day..